July 15, 2020 - 9:30 am
July 15, 2020 - 10:30 am
Organised by INCF.
The emergence of a number of international collaboratives generating vast amounts of brain big data have generated a demand for data sharing that will require an unprecedented level of cooperation to openly share not only our data, but also our tools for making data FAIR, and analyzable. The significant obstacles posed by different data sharing restrictions due to different privacy regulations (like GDPR), differences in the platform usability due to the needs of original stakeholders, or different national ethical restrictions on data acquisition and use, create a confounding landscape for us to navigate. This event is designed to inform the community of the brain data-driven efforts in the international arena, and open the discussion as to how we can combine our resources to achieve greater international cooperation in openly sharing data, AI and best practices – to enable us all to move forward synergistically.
- Jan Bjaalie, University of Oslo and Human Brain Project
- Kenneth Harris, University College London and International Brain Laboratory
- Jean-Baptiste Poline, McGill University, Canadian Neuroinformatics (NeuroHub/CONP), and INCF
- Linda Richards, International Brain Initiative and the Australian Brain Alliance
- Samantha White, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health