
Facilities for board meetings, editor meetings and other types of small business meetings will be available at the Congress Centre throughout the Forum, except during the hours of the morning and afternoon plenary lectures. Business meetings are subject to approval by the chairman of the FENS Programme Committee and will only be announced in the FENS Forum programme when all conditions have been met. Cannot be held during the hours of Plenary lectures of the day. This is also for the commercial entities that wish to hold a meeting.


Organisers should preferably choose the Congress Venue to hold their business meeting. Organisation of business meetings outside of the congress centre cannot be administrated by FENS and is under full responsibility of its organisers.

Submission Information

Proposals should be submitted via the online Submission form (which will appear here shortly) with the following information:

  1. Name of the organisation, institute or company (if FENS Committee, specify the name of the Committee)
  2. Name of the contact person
  3. E-mail and address of the contact person
  4. Title of the business meeting for the announcement
  5. Preferred date (Sunday – Wednesday, July 12-15, 2020 and cannot be held during the hours of Plenary lectures of the day. July 10-11 are reserved for FENS business meetings).
  6. Location

The evaluation and approval of proposed business meetings by the Programme Committee chair will be based on the information provided in the Application file

For Business meeting organised at the SECC, the information on expected group size and room set up style must be provided in the Application file, as well as request for additional AV and other equipment or services.


  1. Room rental fee – The rental fees below are only applicable for the events held at the congress centre and include the announcement fees
    1. Commercial Organisations – prices advised by Industry Liaison Specialist
    2. Non profit Organisations – 150 Euros
    3. Meeting space for Business meetings is offered free of charge for all FENS member societies and FENS committees.

The standard room for the business meeting rooms in the congress center includes; tables and chairs. AV equipment, internet connection and/or catering services can be provided at an additional fee.

  1. AV packages: charges apply for commercial entities as well.
    1. Standard AV package (screen/projector) 150 Euro
    2. Complete AV package (screen/projector/sound/technician) 275 Euro
  2. Catering packages: are made available
  3. Internet connection: Prices are based on the number of users
  4. FENS do not need to confirm commercial meeting requests.


  1. Business meetings are due for approval by the chairman of the FENS Programme Committee
  2. Business meetings cannot be held during the hours of Plenary lectures of the day, if organised at the congress centre.
  3. The Business meetings organised outside of the congress centre are under full responsibility of the organiser.

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