NE01 - Next Generation Networks in Neuroscience

FENS Forum 2020, 11-15 July - Official Networking Event for Neuroscientists
Are you interested in developing your career perspectives and broaden your opportunities for collaboration?


July 11, 2020 - 7:00 pm


July 11, 2020 - 10:00 pm


SECC, Hall tbc   View map

Are you interested in developing your career perspectives and broaden your opportunities for collaboration? Join our networking event – meet and mingle with other likeminded individuals while enjoying music, food and updates on professional training, educational opportunities and available financial support from the representatives of the two host organisations: FENS-CHET, the FENS Kavli Network of Excellence (FKNE) and the ERA-NET Neuron.
The recipients of the Best Poster Awards for MSc and PhD students enrolled with Network of European Neuroscience Schools (NENS) will be announced during the networking event. Early-career scientists, students, alumni of FENS training activities and NENS representatives are warmly welcome!

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